Call for CAA Member Artists​
What in the World
January 14 to April 10, 2025
at Centre Concord, 5298 Clayton Rd., Concord, CA

This call for art has closed.
Let’s start the year out with another great show! Submit your two-dimensional artwork to CAA's member art show at Centre Concord. The theme of this show is What In The World. This is our third show spotlighting our Concord Art Association Artists. A committee will jury this show. Join CAA.
Minimum framed size is 20" wide x 20" high, and maximum framed size is 3' wide x 3' high (or 144 sq. inches to 1,296 sq. inches).
Please no nudity or volatile subjects.
Follow CAA Framing Guidelines.
Drop off and pick up artwork on scheduled dates. If you cannot do that, arrange for someone else to help out. Artwork cannot be stored at Centre Concord.
Important Dates
Submissions due: January 3, 2025
Artist notifications: January 4
Drop off: Friday, January 10, 11am - 1pm
Reception: Friday, January 24, from 5 to 7pm
Pick up: Friday, April 11, 11am - 1pm​
Questions? Contact Concord Art Association

Reservation Rights
The Concord Art Association, in its sole and absolute discretion, reserves the right to change the show timeline and/or to supplement, amend, or otherwise modify this Call for Artists.